The Primal Bod Diet. What Is It? And Does It Work?
The Primal Bod Diet. Is it Keto? Is it Carnivore?
Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet under the sun? And everyone is promising you results, claiming they’ve found the ultimate answer to weight loss? So it’s fair to think: Is the Primal Bod diet just another trend that will fade away soon and can it even deliver what it promises? I asked myself this and wondered: Will the Primal Bod diet work for me? Will it finally get results and is it worth investing in the program? Paying all this money to maybe just find out to eat more meat?
Far from it.
What Is the Primal Bod Diet?
The Primal Bod diet is very unique in itself and in some ways it’s a little keto and it is a lot of carnivore but with a twist. The Primal Bod diet combines the wisdom of nature with science and experience - this is why the Primal Bod diet works and is sustainable. It is in harmony with our ancestral DNA. I don’t even want to call it a diet because it rather is a lifestyle - let’s call it living primal.
The Primal Bod diet is not only about WHAT you eat but also about HOW MUCH you eat and at WHAT TIMES of the day you eat. I cannot give the whole diet away in this article because Candi has a very structured way of teaching you what it means to eat primal. She slowly leads you to it so your body and mind can ease into it. You’ll love this way of eating. It’s simple, it’s easy and most importantly it is nourishing your body, giving your body exactly what it needs at the right time in the right amounts.
Foods Allowed on the Primal Bod Diet
The Primal Bod diet is all about fueling your body. As soon as you start the Primal Bod Program, you will download the Fuel Guide. This is a clear overview of the exact foods you will be able to eat. How have these foods been chosen? They are highly nutritional, digestible and they are fueling for your body. The recommended foods will cover all your nutritional needs so your body can function perfectly, bringing all your hormones into harmony and they are primarily foods our ancestors have been eating for thousands and thousands of years with some modern-day life additions.
On the Primal Bod diet, all meats are allowed, they are the star of the show, they will be the highlight on your plate. When we talk about meat, we mean meat, fish and eggs. You will know exactly which kind of fats are good for you and the modern-day additions are certain vegetables, fruits, condiments and flavourings. With all these choices you will be able to cook up a fancy gourmet meal or have a simple and quick yet nourishing one. You can make the Primal Bod diet as fancy or as plain as you wish. All your senses will definitely be satisfied and most importantly, your body and mind will thrive.
Certain types of dairy can be consumed in condiment sizes or often omitted altogether. Candi calls dairy the carnivore carb and consuming dairy will make you lose weight slower. Certain dairy products can be eaten as an occasional treat and some people may need it to raise their blood sugar in rare cases, something we usually try to avoid.
What Can I Drink on the Primal Bod Diet? Can I Drink Coffee on Primal Bod?
Still water is your best friend. I like to pimp mine with some lime or lemon. Some sparkling water on occasion is fine and there are exactly three teas that are allowed on the Primal Bod Diet. It was so fascinating to learn all of these things during the program. I now know why I have been suffering so much and why some of my loved ones still struggle to become healthy.
I had no idea that all the foods I thought were healthy were actually the cause of my suffering. Plants look good on paper but once they enter your body, they can do a lot of harm.
Oh, and not to forget, the coffee talk. You can check out my FAQs on this topic. Candi rather have you not drink coffee as it will slow down your weight loss. Coffee is a constant topic in Primal Bod. We are all addicted to it, aren’t we? I must honestly say that I feel much better when I don’t drink coffee.
The Core Principles of the Primal Bod Diet
Focus On Whole Foods
In Primal Bod, just like our ancestors did, we eat food with one ingredient, with a few exceptions of some sauces that can be used as condiments.
Eating at the right time of the day
In Primal Bod, you learn when your body is most insulin sensitive, so choosing your eating times accordingly is important. Insulin is the main player to watch and master when you want to lose weight and it strongly influences many of your other hormones. Primal Bod teaches you to eat in harmony with your circadian rhythm, how nature intended it to be.
Eating the right amounts of food
You will learn that there are small, medium and large meals you can have which correspond with what your body needs at that moments. In Primal Bod, you’ll learn quickly to listen to your body by measuring your ketones, and then deciding which kind of meal you need. Instead of looking only at the amount of food we eat, we look at the amount of protein that our bodies require in order to burn more of our stubborn fat. Sometimes you need more protein, sometimes less. You’ll learn all about it, it’s so fascinating.
This is one of my favourite parts of the program, we really get to know our bodies and Candi is just a question away when we get stuck. Candi and her coaches will answer all your questions in the FB group or live on the coaching calls. All our bodies are at different stages when we enter the program but they all run on the same principles. Sometimes, we do need a little personal fine-tuning and Candi will help you with this and she will make sure you reach your weight loss goal.
This video shows a large meal of the Primal Bod diet.
3 Benefits of the Primal Bod Diet (There Are Many More)
Quick and consistent weight loss
I can speak for myself and for the testimonies of other women in the Primal Bod community. If you follow Candi’s advice to the T, she promises that you will lose 20 pounds within 6 weeks or less if you have to lose it. Before starting Primal Bod, I was basically binge watching all of Candi’s reels on Instagram and I started following people she recommended. Alone from that, I already lost 8 pounds within the first 2 weeks. I lost another 9.5 pounds after I started the program and I can say that I am keeping the weight off.
For some people it’s a quick journey to their goal weight, for others it takes longer. Just think of how long it took you to gain the weight. Don’t expect miracles, you still need to follow through and stay consistent, but when you do, you’ll get to experience moments of awe and disbelief when you look in the mirror, step on the scale or try on a pair of jeans you haven’t worn in years. Candi will take you by the hand and make sure you’ll reach the physique you desire and at which your body feels its best.
natural Muscle Gain
Before starting Primal Bod, I ate close to zero protein. I had started to listen to some influencers on Youtube and was getting some awareness about how important protein intake is, especially when you hit your 40s. I started to eat plant based protein but wasn’t really seeing results with this approach. Plant protein looks good on paper but is not enough nourishment for your body. Plant protein is not as bioavailable as animal protein and it contains a lot of anti-nutrients.
Once on the Primal Bod diet, I gained lean muscle mass and was able to build muscle more easily. On the one hand by eating protein but also by eliminating a good portion of visceral fat which will inhibit muscle gain. I love that I don’t need to go to the gym as the Primal Bod program shows you exactly how to gain muscle with minimal effort and time commitment.
Perimenopause Symptoms Disappear
In my early 40s, I started to notice that my body wasn’t the one I used to have and it was acting up all of a sudden. I was eating and exercising the same way, but suddenly, my body changed - to the worse. I was getting chubbier all over, experienced poorer sleep, blurry vision, stiffness upon waking up, joint pain, energy dips all the time, dull hair and skin, normal, cramp-free periods and the list goes on.
Sound familiar?
We are made to believe that these are ‘normal’ signs of perimenopause. Funnily enough, those are very similar symptoms you have when developing insulin resistance. Isn’t that interesting? Mastering insulin is core of the Primal Bod program, no wonder that once I had my insulin in check, all the ‘perimenopause symptoms’ went away. And they went away fast!
Common Misconceptions About the Primal Bod Diet
It’s Simply Eating Meat
It’s not that simple. The Primal Bod diet is not a carnivore diet. It can be but there are certain foods that are not carnivore that are highly recommended to eat. The Carnivore diet can also be very fat-heavy which the Primal Bod diet is not.
It’s Just Keto
Far from the truth. There is a lot of food that is part of the keto diet that the Primal Bod diet does not include. The Keto diet includes a lot of foods that will spike your glucose and will make you produce a lot of insulin. The Keto diet is also heavy on snacks and plants that are high in plant-toxins. Once you understand how to truly fuel your body and know how insulin works, you won’t feel the need to snack anymore. The key of the Primal Bod diet is to only allow plants that won’t disrupt your gut and don’t load your body with anti-nutrients from plants but mainly to keep your insulin in check and make you insulin sensitive. You can eat the Keto diet and still head towards insulin resistance.
It’s Very Restrictive
It really depends where you are coming from. Yes, there are a lot of foods you won’t eat anymore once you switch to the Primal Bod diet, but honestly, when you know how most plants effect your body, you won’t want to eat them. I have never before experienced such high energy levels and mental clarity and focus. The Primal Bod diet is not restrictive in my eyes, it fuels my body like no other diet and there is not way I’ll ever go back to my old ways of eating.
It’s Expensive
This is not necessarily true. You can eat the Primal Bod diet on all different levels. Yes, conventional minced meat is cheaper than a grass-fed steak. Of course, it’s better to eat grass-fed, but you do what’s possible for you. Honestly, adapting the Primal Bod lifestyle, which is more than simply a diet, I save a lot of money in other areas of my life which I can then spend on high-quality meats. I was able to cancel my gym memberships and I don’t need to buy so many supplements anymore to make sure my body is well-nourished. My doctor bill are and will be much less. You invest in yourself today and you will save in the future. When you eat the Primal Bod diet, you give your body what it needs and it will return the favour with sustained health.
Final Thoughts on the Primal Bod Diet
The Primal Bod diet is a win-win. It will help you lose weight quickly that stays off and the diet will give you sustained health. What I love most about the Primal Bod diet and the Primal Bod lifestyle is that Candi teaches you the WHY behind all of it. Once you understand why you are eating something or not, it stays with you and you cannot unlearn it. The information you learn becomes second nature and there is no way I am ever going back to eating the old way.
In Primal Bod, we eat to live, we don’t live to eat. Food is used to support our body to function its best. The food is still delicious, don’t get me wrong. I feel like a gourmet now, only eating clean, high quality food that nourishes and sustains me throughout the day with no energy dips. My mind is sharp and my body supports me day in and day out. I wake up energised, I can focus on my tasks and I can simply enjoy life because I support my body and my body supports me right back.
The Primal Bod diet is the proper human diet, the diet we are meant to eat.
Try it out and see for yourself. You can sign up to the Primal Bod program or watch the free masterclass where Candi will teach you what she discovered to be the secret to fast and sustained weight loss. This is the foundation of the Primal Bod program and you don’t want to miss this. Once you understands how your body truly works and what it truly needs, weight loss will come easily.