Is the Primal Bod Program Worth It? Honest Review

The Primal Bod Program has been a transformative experience for me, and I’m thrilled to share my honest review. If you're considering joining, this Primal Bod review will help you get a clearer picture of what this program provides so you can decide whether it’s the right fit for you.

You can always try out Primal Bod for 7 days. Should you not think it’s the right fit (unlikely :)), you’ll get your money back, no questions asked. Just make sure you contact them before week 2 is released!

How I Discovered Primal Bod

My story is probably similar to yours. I was mindlessly scrolling on Instagram when out of nowhere, Candi popped up on my feed and she immediately caught my attention. It was like she hit a certain nerve and I binge-watched all her reels in almost one go, thinking yes, yes, yes! Even though I wasn’t living what she was promoting, not at all, still I felt in my gut that she was speaking truth. Her words resonated so much with me that I wanted to know more. I went to her website and discovered that she offered an online weight loss coaching program.

Not Ready To Settle For My Perimenopause Body

Even though her information resonated so much with me, I was still skeptical, as I have fallen for other programs before which didn’t give me the results I had hoped for.

I was never overweight but when I entered my early 40s, everything changed. I was eating the same way, thinking I was doing pretty well, but my body was not the same anymore. I thought maybe this is just what bodies do when you get older and after having kids?

But I just wasn’t ready for this body that didn’t feel like my own anymore. I wanted my old body back and the health and energy that I was used to.

I wasn’t ready to settle and just get on with life. I wasn’t ready to accept certain pains and disruptions of my life that my body was now putting in front of me.

Should I Join Primal Bod? Steps I Took To Make The Right Decision

The Primal Bod program was pretty new when I signed up and existed only for a few months. I wasn’t able to read any reviews from previous participants and there weren’t any Google reviews just yet. Now there are many 5-star Google reviews.

I saw that Candi offers a free masterclass and I signed up for it right away. I watched it with pen and paper to take notes, ready to learn the secrets to weight loss and long-lasting health. But honestly, I was disappointed after watching it and I felt I couldn’t take action steps and I was left confused with more questions, still not sure if this was the right program for me.

The price of the program was a commitment for me and I felt pretty bad having already spent so much money on other programs. I felt I needed to do some more research to be absolutely sure Primal Bod was the right choice for me and that it would live up to what it was promising.

Why I Decided to Try the Primal Bod Program - From a MAYBE to a YES

I saw that Candi was selling a video called The Conference which was only $50 compared to her $1000/$1500 for the full program. I thought I could spend this without thinking and watched it and I was blown away by all the information she shared in there. (The Conference is no longer up for purchase but she is holding another live conference in January.) 

I knew she was my girl after I’d watched this video. And the biggest thing that turned my hesitation into a YES was that I was losing weight just by following Candi’s advice she gave on Instagram and the conference video. I also started following people she recommended, and the weight was just coming off and I felt amazing after the first days already. 

My Experience With The Primal Bod Program - First Results From Following Candi’s Advice

primal bod before and after pictures

The ‘before’ pictures were taken when I started Primal Bod. By this time I had lost already 8 pounds just by following Candi’s advice from Instagram. The weight loss was not massive but the inflammation was gone, I built muscle, healthier hair and skin and aches and pains gone, to name a few benefits.

The first change I noticed was that I had SO MUCH energy all of a sudden and there was absolutely no stiffness in my back after waking up. I simply jumped out of bed when before I slowly stood up feeling the need to stretch first.

The proof is in the pudding, right? So I experienced first hand that what Candi was teaching was the real deal and it was working quickly and profoundly. And I hadn’t even implemented all of her teachings.

I still hadn’t started the program and I really thought my investment through. I reached out to Candi’s team and asked if they had an affiliate program because I thought with that, I would potentially be able to earn my investment back.

Needless to say, I did.

And I didn’t even have to tell people about it as people were approaching ME. Telling me how amazing I looked and what I had done to lose the weight and have such amazing skin. Again, the proof is in the pudding. Or better said, in the steak 🙂

Starting The Primal Bod Program

I signed up for the program and started to watch through the introduction videos, following all of Candi’s advice. I was determined to make this work. The $1500 was a big investment for me and knowing you have access to the program for 12 weeks only, I wanted to make every day count.

Quick Overview of What You Get When You Sign Up:

  1. The Primal Path: The 6-week course curriculum explaining the science behind fast and sustained weight loss

  2. Private FB Group: A safe space to ask questions and receive feedback quickly

  3. Weekly Coaching Calls: Speak with Candi directly, ask your questions and fine-tune when you feel stuck

Each week, over the course of six weeks, videos are released, so you can follow along and ease your body into this new way of eating and living.

My body responded very well to all the changes. The transition to this completely new way of eating and being felt very natural.

Just before I started Primal Bod, my eating habits had tanked and I am almost embarrassed to share what I was eating. I was basically living off chai lattes, chocolate and bread, with some veggies and salads. I ate close to no protein or any animal products.

Saying Primal Bod was a huge change for me is an understatement.

After the first six weeks of watching the Primal Path videos, you have another six weeks of continuing to implement and deeper understand what you have learned.

Listening to other women in the FB Group and on the Zoom Calls was a vital part for me personally, so I was glad I invested in the full program instead of the basic one.

BUT, you will have the same results with the basic program as you get to watch the Zoom coaching call recordings and you can be in touch via email with Candi’s team. It’s simply a personal preference of what kind of learner you are. Spending the extra $500 was worth it for me.

The Value of Being Part of the Primal Bod Tribe - Can’t Put a Price Tag on That

The Facebook group soon became my favorite place to hang out and I was binge watching all the previous Zoom recordings of the coaching calls with Candi, learning from other people’s challenges and successes.

Since I live in Australia, I was only able to attend 1 out of the 3 live Zoom sessions, but the recordings were always available quickly.

It is worth stressing how wonderful the Facebook community is, so loving and supportive with a plethora of information.

My questions were always answered within 2 hours if not much sooner. I have never before experienced this level of support in quality and speed.

There is no such thing as TMI or a stupid question in this group. The private Facebook group always felt like a safe place and I truly felt part of a loving tribe that would support me through the ups and downs of this ‘weight loss’ journey which soon became simply a health journey as my body was feeling better and better and the weight loss felt like the cherry on the top at the end.

And the best thing about the Primal Bod program is that I will never need to join another weight loss or health program again because Primal Bod delivers it all.

It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

You learn the REAL foundation of health and I feel and look younger by the day. What more do you need?

I am now a member of the Primal Bod alumni group called Primal Babes and I am loving the constant exchange with like-minded women who value the Primal Bod lifestyle and want to spread the word as well. And when I feel I need support, Candi is just a quick message away.

My Results with Primal Bod

The program exceeded my expectations. Over the course of Primal Bod, I achieved the following:

  • Weight Loss: I lost 20 pounds (9 kg) and gained lean muscle mass, bloating is gone.

  • Improved Energy: I feel energized throughout the day without caffeine or sweets cravings.

  • Enhanced Sleep: Deep, uninterrupted sleep became my new normal.

  • Aches and Pains Eliminated: I wake up feeling refreshed, with no stiffness or discomfort, no more joint pain

  • Better Skin and Hair: My skin glows, wrinkles have lessened, and my hair looks fuller.

  • Improved Eyesight & Digestion: bye bye constipation

  • Normal Periods: Instead of extremely heavy flow and cramping each month

  • Saved money: I only need to take 1 supplement now instead of 10 because you learn how to fuel your body with food and lifestyle choices instead of supplements.

  • And probably some more that I forgot about…

weight loss graph primal bod

When you sign up to Primal Bod, you receive an excel file to which you can add your personal details to track your daily progress — from your weight, to food and ketones. This was super helpful and interesting. Above is my weight loss graph. You can see that weight loss isn’t necessarily linear but happened rather quickly.

All this was possible because I have learned which food to eat and when to eat it. You’ll also learn how to structure your day and the goal is to create an environment for your body in which it can thrive.

As Tom, Candi’s husband, would say: “Your body is not broken, your environment is!”

Final Thoughts: My Verdict on Primal Bod

Do I think Primal Bod is worth the cost? Absolutely. I mentioned earlier that the $1500 was a big investment for me. Now, after having gone through the program, I would have paid double. The value you receive in return is simply insane.

The Primal Bod Program delivered on its promises and even exceeded them. I now truly understand how my body works and what it needs to stay in shape and in optimal health.

I cannot unlearn this.

Once you know why you need to eat and live in a certain way, it just makes sense and sticks with you. I have no desire to go back to my old way of eating.

Of course, sometimes, I have weak moments, I am human afterall, especially when I am emotionally triggered, I may have some chocolate. BUT I know exactly what to do to get back in fat-burning mode, returning to the primal way of eating and being.

The Primal Bod’s focus on primal living in a modern world equips you with the tools to thrive — not just lose weight.

Whether you’re struggling with stubborn fat or want to reclaim your health, I highly recommend Primal Bod. By aligning with nature and making incremental lifestyle changes, you can unlock a healthier, happier version of yourself.

As Candi says, “We don’t make the rules, nature does.”

I feel at peace with my body now and I understand WHY all of these new choices are important for a long, healthy life.

My Favourite parts of Primal Bod and Why it’s Different From Other Programs:

Candi — she may come across as harsh and arrogant on Instagram, but inside the program, she is the most patient, loving person and she has a heart of gold. She will make sure you reach your goal weight and no matter what you ask her, she’ll have the perfect answer. Her knowledge is out of this world. She will walk with you as long as you need her!

The community — I mentioned this before, absolutely in awe of this safe and supportive online space.

Primal Babes, the monthly membership after you finish Primal Bod, has its own FB group and it continues to help me feel supported and understood in this crazy world.

The stellar support — Absolutely mind-blowing how quickly you receive feedback. Candi and her coaches will give you exactly what you need and the encouragement from other members is very comforting as well.

The simple process — The information and training you receive in The Primal Path may seem a lot, but in the end, you realize how simple this lifestyle is.

It took me some time to implement all of it, but that is the beauty of it. It’s a big puzzle and you put the pieces in place in your own timing.

Learning the WHY — Once you know why something is important, it’s easier to implement and incorporate on a daily basis.

Understanding is power and that is what this program does: it empowers you.

How to Get Started With Primal Bod

If you made it this far reading my review of the Primal Bod program, you may be ready to jump right in with a big YES. You can simply go to The Primal Bod website and sign up with my code NINAPRIMALBOD.

In case you feel you need some more info (totally understand), you can also listen to Candi’s masterclass in which she will explain some of the science behind Primal Bod and why it works.

Afterwards, if you still want to know more and want to ask Candi questions directly, you can book a Discovery Call.

When you join Primal Bod, you will learn to live in harmony with the way your body is designed to function. We have to learn to give our bodies what they need in accordance to our human DNA.

Right now, we are trying to make our bodies fit our lifestyle. And it’s firing back, it’s not sustainable.

The choices we make today, will impact us in the decades to come. When we gain weight and our bodies start to show signs of pain or discomfort, we need to listen. Now. Let’s incorporate more primal into our modern lives so we will be able to thrive again and live long, happy lives together with our loved ones!