Primal Bod FAQs your questions answered

Primal Bod FAQ

Your Questions About The Primal Bod Program Answered

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Will the primal bod program work for me?

If you are following Candi’s formula, the program will work for you. She promises that you will lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks or less if you have to lose it. The program shows you how to work WITH the DNA of your body and all our bodies are almost the same, as they work by the same principles. Fat storage and fat burning function the same for everyone. The only variable that is different for everyone is their environment. In the program you will learn how to create the perfect environment (inner and outer) for your body to feel and function its best.

Will my health issues go away with primal bod?

Candi is not a doctor and not able to specifically address medical conditions, but when the body is nourished in the correct way, the PRIMAL way, its innate ability to heal is maximised. The right nourishment is always the right choice regardless of your health condition and she backs this claim with irrefutable scientific evidence. That’s why women in the group constantly share that their migraines go away, or they don’t need thyroid medication anymore or that lab work is better than it’s ever been - and the list goes on.

What Kind of Foods Will I Need to Eat?

How Candi would answer this: “In this program, we eat real foods that are compatible with your DNA.  If the type of food you are going to eat may be a dealbreaker for whether you join this program, then you should ask yourself if this is a real priority for you, because for me and my members, our health is always more important than the taset of our food or the addictions to our food. But our approved food list is not overly restrictive. You will be able to enjoy your meals and it will work with your schedule.”

Nature makes the rules, Candi simply shows you how to follow them.

How Much exercise Is Required In The Primal Bod Program?

Weight is 90% a function of nourishment and only 10% a function of exercise. Candi will show you how to maximise low-stress activities like walking and squatting. I cancelled my gym and pilates memberships and am saving money and time now.

What kind of results can I expect, and how quickly?

Candi promises that you can lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks or less. If you have to lose it. I personally lost 17.5 pounds.

What if the keto diet hasn't worked for me?

Candi would say to this that everyone does Keto wrong. Keto can still include foods that are not compatible with our DNA. You can eat Keto and your insulin can constantly be spiked.

Is the primal bod way of eating sustainable? Can I eat sugar or drink wine again?

You are a grown woman, you can do whatever you want. Candi used to say that once you hit your goal weight, you can incorporate an 80/20 lifestyle, but she has now changed this because of what she has learned about visceral fat. For her, it’s 100% all the time. But if your eating habits slip, for example while traveling, you will know exactly what to do to get your body right back on track.

Will the primal bod program interrupt my family life?

It can interrupt your family routine, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I still cook the same for my family at dinner time but I don’t eat with them. I sit at the table and we have wonderful conversations. It’s about connection, not whether I stuff food in my mouth at the same time my family does.

do I need to fast on the primal bod program?

Fasting is part of a Primal lifestyle. Our ancestors were forced to fast because food wasn’t at their fingertips all the time like it is today for us. The Primal Bod program is all about mimicking primal ways of living in our modern world. You will start to fast for a day in week 3 of the program. I was a bit scared of fasting, but it was way easier than I anticipated because Candi will show you the right way to fast. I was following other influencer’s advice on fasting and it didn’t work for me. Now, I love fasting! And it yields great results, it’s super good for your health and it will anti-age you.

What are the blue light glasses candi wears?

Check out Candi’s favourite blue light blocking glasses here. Use the code NINA to get 30% OFF.

Is the primal bod program carnivore?

The Primal Bod program is NOT carnivore. There are certain plants that are advised to eat, some that you may eat and a list of plants that you should avoid. This information was groundbreaking for me and I got rid of a few ailments with the addition or elimination of certain plants.

You can read more about this topic in my article about The Primal Bod vs. Carnivore Diet.

Can i drink coffee on the primal bod program?

Again, like with the sugar and wine, you can do whatever you want. Candi is not a fan of coffee and she will advise you not to drink it as it’s toxic and will throw your hormones off. Candi will show you the fastest and most sustainable way to lose weight, and for that, coffee is a no. But there are women on the program who choose to drink coffee.

for who is primal bod?

Primal Bod is for you

  • If you are someone who is fully committed and motivated to taking control of your physique

  • If this is a priority for you NOW

  • You value high-quality services

  • You want to know the truth about your body

  • You want to be held accountable, with high expectations, and a desire to be told the truth - comfortable or not

  • You want to be part of a supportive community that will help you reach your goals quickly

When should i not join primal bod?

You should NOT join Primal Bod if

  • You are part of another weight loss program or working with a coach

  • You are not willing to eat meat

  • You are not willing to give up sugar

  • You are not ready to unlearn what is holding you back

  • You are not willing to step out of your comfort zone

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding. (it’s OK if you are trying to conceive and get pregnant during your membership, Candi will guide you through it.)

Is primal bod worth the money?

I was hesitant to spend the money as it was a big investment for me, having wasted so much on all the other programs BUT Primal Bod is absolutely worth the money. Now, knowing what I know, I would have paid double. Honestly. The return on investment is insane.

I also directly saved money as I cancelled my sports memberships, I didn’t need to buy expensive supplements anymore and I know that my future medical bills will be much less from what they would have been had I not done Primal Bod.

Which PB program should I choose. Basic or full?

You will see the same results with both programs. The difference is that with the basic one, you are not a member of the FB group and you don’t take part in the live coaching calls. But you will have support over email and you can watch the replays of the coaching calls. I went for the full program because I am someone who enjoys being part of a community, but it’s really up to you what kind of person and learner you are.

Is there a payment plan?

There is not payment plan for the Primal Bod program and there are no plans to introduce one in the near future BUT you can test Primal Bod for FREE for 7 days to see if you like it so much that you make this happen, no matter what. You can save $100 with my discount code NINAPRIMALBOD