A Faster Way to Weight Loss: Science-Backed Strategies That Actually Work

How to Lose Weight Fast!

Weight loss doesn't have to be a slow, frustrating process. By understanding the science behind sustainable weight loss and implementing evidence-based strategies, you can achieve your goals more efficiently while maintaining your health and well-being. This guide explores proven methods to accelerate your weight loss journey responsibly.

I felt completely stuck in my early 40s, gaining weight around my thighs and mid-section. I wasn’t doing anything different, but what used to work to maintain my weight in my 20s and 30s didn’t seem to work in my 40s anymore. 

Everything changed when I joined the Primal Bod Program. I lost 17.5 pounds (8kg) in 6 weeks. I have been living the Primal Bod lifestyle for a year now and I am able to easily stay at my dream weight, feeling better than I ever have. 

Understanding the Fundamentals of Rapid Weight Loss

What I thought successful weight loss came down to was creating a caloric deficit. But exactly that wasn’t working anymore or I was gaining back the little weight I had lost immediately. Just focusing on calories can quickly result in under-eating which will leave your body under-nourished. 

“Eat less, move more”, just isn’t working anymore and keeps you frustrated. And who wants to count calories? Not me. 

Was this weight gain something I had to accept as part of getting older? Was it normal to gain weight in your 40s and not lose it again? I wasn’t ready for this new reality and luckily, I stumbled across Candi on Instagram. Going through the Primal Bod Program taught me exactly what I needed to do to reach my dream physique fast, one that I never thought possible. 

Instead of chasing calories, I learned that mastering insulin was what I needed to do. Insulin is the hormone that makes you gain and store fat, Candi calls it the fat-storing hormone. Our bodies hold on to fat so it can use it as energy when there won’t be enough food around. This is part of our ancestral DNA when humans didn’t have access to food 24/7. But in today’s world, we need to mimic the way our ancestors ate in order to stay lean and healthy. 

At the core of our struggles to lose weight is the fact that we eat too much of the kind of food that floods our blood with excess sugar (glucose) far too often during the day and our bodies are forced to produce unnaturally high levels of insulin. 

When our cells are saturated with glucose for energy, the surplus of glucose is then stored as fat in the body. 

If you want to lose weight quickly, you have to understand insulin and cortisol, two hormones that will block you from losing weight and make you plateau or gain weight. 

Science-Based Strategies for Faster Weight Loss

1. Optimize Your Metabolic Rate

In Primal Bod we learn how to flex our metabolism. Our metabolism gets sluggish when we enter our 40s and beyond and it is important to incinerate your metabolism again. Remember those days when it didn’t matter what we ate and we still woke up slim? They were long gone for me. 

Your metabolic rate plays a crucial role in how quickly you lose weight. Here's how to boost it naturally:

  • Eat adequate protein at every meal. This can range from eating 90 to 200 grams of animal protein. Protein will fire up your metabolism. Eating more can actually make you lose weight quicker. 

  • Cut out carbs. You store the glucose from carbs as glycogen. For every gram of glycogen, you store 3 grams of water. When you cut out carbs, your body lets go of water. That is why you can lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

  • Supplement with iodine. It’s important for a functioning thyroid gland. A healthy thyroid is important for a good metabolic rate and for protein synthesis.

  • Support your mitochondria (the power houses of our cells) by eating omega 3 fatty acids. These are most bioavailable for humans by eating fish and seafood. The DHA in seafood is essential for our cells to function optimally.

  • Get adequate sleep (7-9 hours) to regulate hunger hormones

  • Protect yourself against blue light in the evening. Minimize EMF exposure.

  • Stay hydrated with water.

2. Strategic Meal Timing

Research shows that when you eat can be just as important as what you eat:

  • Consider a 16 hour fasting window daily

  • Eat your largest meal at breakfast 

  • Stop eating by 2 to 3 pm

  • Incorporate one 24-hour fast per week

Optimal Food Choices

Focus on nutrient-dense foods that support weight loss:

  • Lean animal proteins (red meat, chicken, fish, eggs)

  • Fermented foods like krauts, kimchi, kefir, aged/blue cheeses

  • Healthy fats  like ghee and butter in moderation

When you eat very little amounts of carbohydrates, your body doesn’t store so much water anymore. That is the secret to losing weight fast in the beginning, when your body gets leaner by letting go of the stored water in your body. Cutting out carbs is the secret to losing weight fast.

3. High-Impact Exercise Selection

Focus on exercises that deliver maximum results in minimum time:

  • Walking and/or squatting after meals

  • Weighted Vest Walks

  • Sprinting

  • Mix up your exercise routine to flex metabolism

  • Moderate strength training with lower weight and higher reps

When we want to lose weight faster, we think we just need to exercise more to burn more calories and fat. But the truth is that only 20% of weight loss is attributed to exercise. Your main focus should be on what and when you eat. When I started exercising less, I lost more weight. I also stopped doing long high-intensity classes as they were making me produce cortisol which will make your body produce insulin. When we produce too much insulin, we store more fat. 

Creating a Sustainable Plan

Daily Habits for Success

Focus on creating lifestyle changes rather than following temporary fixes:

  1. Track your protein intake each meal

  2. Find your ideal amount of daily protein by measuring your ketones

  3. Develop a healthy relationship with food. Food = Fuel. You eat to live, you don’t live to eat.

  4. Plan to be outside at sunrise, 5 minutes is enough

  5. Protect yourself against artificial light at night time, for example with blue light glasses

  6. Move after eating, a short walk or 40 squats

  7. Create an exercise routine you enjoy and that is part of your daily routine. Sprints are the most effective exercise to burn fat. Light (body-) weight training helps you build muscle which will support a good metabolism. 

  8. Incorporate hot and cold therapy into your week

  9. Build a support system. I love being part of the Primal Bod community. It feels amazing being supported by other women when you go through the same challenge.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Undereating protein

  • Not drinking enough water

  • High intensity exercise like HIIT or CrossFit, even some yoga and pilates classes can put your body under too much stress

  • Eating too late or skipping breakfast

  • Not prioritizing sleep

  • Exposing yourself to blue light at night

Monitoring Progress Effectively

I have noticed that we tend to overmeasure all kinds of metrics which can add to our stress levels. In order to lose weight fast, you basically just have to monitor two key metrics. Track these key indicators to ensure you're losing weight in a healthy way:

  • Protein intake

  • Ketone levels

Say goodbye to counting calories and understand your body’s true weight loss mechanism. When you are at a certain range of ketones, you are burning fat. You’ll learn all of this in Primal Bod.


Achieving faster weight loss is possible through a combination of smart nutrition, effective exercise, and lifestyle optimization. Focus on implementing these evidence-based strategies consistently rather than seeking quick fixes. 

If you want to feel supported during your weight loss journey, watch the Primal Bod Masterclass and get on a discovery call with Candi. The Primal Bod program is a science-based weight loss program that will guide you through the fastest way to lose weight, step  by step. I loved watching other women achieve their dream bodies. The Primal Bod system is fool-proof and when you follow Candi’s advice, you will have success and you’ll never need to join another weight loss program again.

Remember my discount code NINAPRIMALBOD for $100 OFF.

Nina Stegelmann